Wednesday, October 9, 2024


If you are IN CHRIST then you must recognize that you have been born into a covenant elite bloodline family.

The difference between this elite bloodline family and the elite bloodline families of the Earth is the METHOD of birth. Your birth is not a GENETIC birth. Your birth is, in essence, SPIRITUAL from above. It is an ADOPTED birth. It is a CHOSEN birth.

You discovered yourself to be an orphan who was presented with the choice of adoption into an elite royal family, the family of God, and you said, "YES, I ACCEPT."  You  ACCEPT that you are ACCEPTED.

This birth happened through a mixture of volition and faith.

You understood that it was the desire, the will, of Father God from the eternity past to create an elite bloodline for all humanity to escape the polluted Adamic bloodline. It would be through the shedding of untainted blood, through the bloody tortured death of his perfect firstborn Son, Yeshua. This was an act of good faith toward humanity on their part.

By accepting his offer of adoption, whether or not you knew it, you came into COVENANT with the Creator of all things, who is above all things, who is before all things and who knows all things.

There is no one above him. There was no one before him. There is no one who can instruct him or tell him anything he doesn't know.

You may have accepted his offer of New Birth out of desperation, or you may have come to understand that it was a logical choice. It was your opportunity to reverse every curse in your life that came through your genetic line.

You may have seen that you would be stepping into a higher plane, into a life of royalty.

You may have understood these things at the point of your decision to accept God's free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. Or maybe you didn't comprehend all of that, but now you do.

You are growing in your understanding of who you are, of what you are. You are being cultivated like a barren vine cut out of the wild, being grafted into a living vine that produces the best fruit.

You see now that you are more connected to this new family than the family of your first birth. You see now that all the components of your destiny are contained in the seed of God, the nature of God, that is within you from the time you said YES to Christ. There is nothing to do, on your part, except REMAIN in him and DRAW LIFE from him.

You want to dedicate your life to research and discover more and more about who is this God and who you have become in Him. But your education will not change your status in the family. What you know you must use to help educate others so that they can enjoy every benefit of living in this royal elite bloodline, connected to LOVE.

You must have by now discovered that God is LOVE. His motivation to grow his family and to bestow rich blessings upon every member of his family is LOVE.

You cannot, you will not ever fully comprehend the depth, the breadth, the width, the height of this LOVE. But you have come to a place of REST and LIVING FAITH. You are CONTENT and have PEACE within this BELIEF, and no person or circumstance will ever shake you out of it.

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