Thursday, October 3, 2024


 Do you attend a “listening church?”

We know how critical it is for each of us to learn to HEAR what the Spirit is saying so that we can enjoy the status of "favored" believers and avoid the pitfalls of life that are unavoidable to those who walk in darkness. 

How much more important is it that the CHURCHES learn to hear and obey God’s voice?

I have been in a number of staff or board meetings where decisions are made that affect the direction of the church (which of course affect the lives of many individuals and families) which begin and/or end with a hurried, token prayer (thank you God, please bless our plans, guide and direct us), or sometimes not even prayer at all. There is no waiting on God the Holy Spirit to get the mind of Christ. 

Many churches never take the time to wait on God to RESPOND. The people are too busy--their schedules are too packed full. An hour and a half that is spent in church  is never enough time to allow God’s spirit to work beneath the surface of their lives because, even during the prayer, worship and sermon, their minds are anxiously racing.

In Revelation chapters two and three, there are exhortations and promises given by the Spirit of Jesus to seven churches in what is now the nation of Turkey. Each exhortation is summed up with these same words: "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." Jesus brings a stern warning to the backslidden churches; Repent or else. It would seem that these churches did not heed these communications, because none of these churches exist today. 

I have been in meetings when the Holy Spirit clearly impressed the group assembled, and all who were there agreed that the message was from the Lord. Perfect unity. This rarely happened when we were unwilling to ask and wait for His input. It never happened when we settled for a “majority vote.”

There is much comfort in hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit to an assembly (as “discernment” and not an audible voice), as much as clearly hearing him in one’s personal prayer closet. The group always found that it has been worth the extra time to tarry, and also when members agree to fast and pray when making critical or controversial decisions.. 

He who has ears to hear (raise your hand!)--LET HIM HEAR!

Will Seymour 

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