Saturday, November 24, 2018

Look For Good, Then Meaning

Do not look for meaning  in the moment of disappointment, trial or tragedy.  You will not find meaning--you will only find discouragement. Instead, look for Good. Choose to believe that universal Good undergirds everything. This Good is often not realized or seen because the claustrophobic grip of difficult circumstances tries to choke out the Truth. The Forceful and Immediate always cry louder than the voice of Truth for your attention.
In the moment of the trial or tragedy there is always a Way of escape; when it is revealed to you, a hidden strength will emerge and see you through. Expect Good to emerge out of the fire and if Good is not found in the fire, look for good to emerge from the ashes. 
There is no need to search for meaning at this time. Meaning will soon be revealed to those with outstretched, expectant necks who know that an invisible, faithful, providential Good undergirds everything.