My greatest frustration, as a church leader, is seeing how the Bible has been twisted into a pie-in-the-sky religion when in reality, it is a book about government. First, self-government. Then, (peacefully) moving up the heirarchy of jurisdictions to ruling nations. It appears to me as a student of history that the first century Church understood this, but because of persecution as enemies of the state, there was a focus on submission to authority and loving the persecutors. That strategy resulted in an explosion of growth that overwhelmed the government of Rome so much that the emperor had to institutionalize Christianity.
Over the centuries, much institutionalized Christianity has degenerated to merely becoming saved by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (and/or doing good works) so that you may have eternal security in the age to come. They sing songs and preach sermons about going to heaven, loving your neighbor, and the second coming of Jesus, while the devil incrementally takes over the politics (policy-setting) of this generation.
As it turns out, loving your neighbors, especially your progeny, should include educating them about the issues and candidates, getting them a ride to the polling place, and in some cases (arguably) telling them how to vote. Jesus: "Be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves."
As a young evangelical, I participated in many of Bible studies which were helpful, and applicable to our personal lives, but rarely given an exortation to build a Christian society, here in this age. The "gospel" to most evangelicals had mostly to do with a future world.
But when Jesus sent his disciples to make converts, it wasn't merely so they could go to heaven. The gospel of the KINGDOM was about bringing heaven to Earth. He told them, "Pray, 'Our Father...Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Deliver Us from evil!'"
So they healed the sick, opened deaf ears and blind eyes, cast out demons, and cleansed lepers (eliminated castes).
Because of the government oppression, there was an emphasis on loving your persecutors. (As the church became institutionalized, persecution of believers came from church leaders.)
But what was supposed to happen after the American revolution? No longer are we submitted to a king or government institution! In a republic people are free to practice their religion of choice; responsible to govern themselves. They can vote and run for office! A person born into poverty can now rise to the top of society and influence policies and decisions that affect the citizen culture.
But we have not treasured these freedoms. Sadly, our babies (those that survive the womb and escape the traffickers) are inheriting one big LIE. The only hope to restore our nation is a church that repents, and wakes up to the current dire situation.
Let's leave the timing of Christ's second coming to the Father. Jesus said that EVEN HE didn't know the day or hour!
But we do know he is returning for a BRIDE! A Body without spot or blemish that looks like Him. A church united (not necessarity on doctrine, but in the person of Jesus Christ)!
One Christian leader said, "Church, roll up your rapture rug!" In other words, get to work!
Let's agree to pretend that we have another 500 years before his return to make this world more equitable, more Christian. (If he returns before that, no regrets!) Let's become as concerned about restoring a Judeo-christian republic for the sake of our children and grandchildren as we are their souls for eternity.