I am about becoming the Bride.
I will embrace the preparation time. Regardless of how long it takes, I am ready today. I'll be ready tomorrow.
Here I am waiting with my lamp trimmed.
Readiness. An analogy for being being filled with the Holy Spirit. I have extra oil. No matter how long it takes I am filled and I have a ready reserve.
In terms of theology, this is what I embrace. Christ is returning for a spotless Bride. He is interceding for a unified body. His prayer:
“I pray for them all to be joined together as one even as you and I, Father, are joined together as one. I pray for them to become one with us so that the world will recognize that you sent me. For the very glory you have given to me I have given them so that they will be joined together as one and experience the same unity that we enjoy.” (Jhn 17:21-22, TPT)
This is the adoption of redeemed humanity into the Godhead. Go back and read those two verses again.
This mitigates every other theory, every end-time doctrine. I don't dismiss any scriptural speculation, but I hold it at arm's length for examination. It interests me but it does not possess me.
Only my preparation for the Bridegrrom possesses me.
Like a deer by the waterbrook I pant for his presence.
Like a loyal canine waiting at the door.
I am not a dog but I have that kind of loyalty for my master, that kind of appreciation for his boarding and feeding of me.
He is the Shepherd of the sheep and one of his flock am I. I am the one that he sought, who had strayed, who was in peril, who is carried back.
The memory of his wrestling with the wild beast of the field on my behalf is vivid. I am held against his beating heart and his lungs heaving, fresh from the battle. So I am twice loyal.
My theology is personal. Today, and tomorrow, I know his voice and I follow him.