Friday, October 27, 2023


My greatest frustration, as a church leader, is seeing how the Bible has been twisted into a pie-in-the-sky religion when in reality, it is a book about government. First, self-government. Then, (peacefully) moving up the heirarchy of jurisdictions to ruling nations. It appears to me as a student of history that the first century Church understood this, but because of persecution as enemies of the state, there was a focus on submission to authority and loving the persecutors. That strategy resulted in an explosion of growth that overwhelmed the government of Rome so much that the emperor had to institutionalize Christianity. 

Over the centuries, much institutionalized Christianity has degenerated to merely becoming saved by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (and/or doing good works) so that you may have eternal security in the age to come. They sing songs and preach sermons about going to heaven, loving your neighbor, and the second coming of Jesus, while the devil incrementally takes over the politics (policy-setting) of this generation. 

As it turns out, loving your neighbors, especially your progeny, should include educating them about the issues and candidates, getting them a ride to the polling place, and in some cases (arguably) telling them how to vote. Jesus: "Be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves."

As a young evangelical, I participated in many of Bible studies which were helpful, and applicable to our personal lives, but rarely given an exortation to build a Christian society, here in this age. The "gospel" to most evangelicals had mostly to do with a future world.

But when Jesus sent his disciples to make converts, it wasn't merely so they could go to heaven. The gospel of the KINGDOM was about bringing heaven to Earth. He told them, "Pray, 'Our Father...Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Deliver Us from evil!'"

So they healed the sick, opened deaf ears and blind eyes, cast out demons, and cleansed lepers (eliminated castes).
Because of the government oppression, there was an emphasis on loving your persecutors. (As the church became institutionalized, persecution of believers came from church leaders.)

But what was supposed to happen after the American revolution? No longer are we submitted to a king or government institution! In a republic people are free to practice their religion of choice; responsible to govern themselves. They can vote and run for office! A person born into poverty can now rise to the top of society and influence policies and decisions that affect the citizen culture.

But we have not treasured these freedoms. Sadly, our babies (those that survive the womb and escape the traffickers) are inheriting one big LIE. The only hope to restore our nation is a church that repents, and wakes up to the current dire situation. 

Let's leave the timing of Christ's second coming to the Father. Jesus said that EVEN HE didn't know the day or hour!

But we do know he is returning for a BRIDE! A Body without spot or blemish that looks like Him. A church united (not necessarity on doctrine, but in the person of Jesus Christ)!

One Christian leader said, "Church, roll up your rapture rug!" In other words, get to work! 

Let's agree to pretend that we have another 500 years before his return to make this world more equitable, more Christian. (If he returns before that, no regrets!) Let's become as concerned about restoring a Judeo-christian republic for the sake of our children and grandchildren as we are their souls for eternity.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


“Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren..." (Pro 13:22, NLT)

Christians who do not have time to vote or educate themselves on the issues or see the need to be involved in government, will leave their children bound in chains resigned to the hollowest credo, "God is in control."

(But God has decreed, “ from all the people some capable, honest men who fear God and hate bribes. Appoint them as leaders over groups of one thousand, one hundred, fifty, and ten.” Exodus 18:21, NLT)

They will be cursed from the grave by those who have gone before who have sacrificed everything to leave them a Republican form of government. The generation following will bemoan them for allowing the gates of hell to confiscate their freedoms.

What percentage of Christians will be voting this November? Do you know how important your vote is? Do you know that the church should be the most powerful voting block in America if they will simply take one evening to educate themselves on the issues, and 1 hour the first Tuesday in November to vote.

Is it wrong for your pastor to take one sermon a year, one out of 52 sermons to discuss the importance of Christians voting? Many Christians, including pastors, have been deceived into believing that politics is for unbelievers. Thus we live in a country ruled by unbelievers, the county going to hell, while we debate about when will we all escape in the rapture!

Text the phrase ivote to 73075 to get information about getting registered to vote, when to vote, etc.   If your value your freedom for yourself, your children and grandchildren, VOTE.


The holiday celebrated by Israel called Yom Kippur was the holiest day of all. Yom Kippur means day of atonement (covering). It was the day of the year when God would cover all the sins of all the people for a whole year.

There was a special ritual in which two goats were selected from the herd. One goat was sacrificed to God, and it's blood sprinkled in the holiest place on the Ark of the Covenant. The other goat was released alive into the wilderness. The second goat has been called a scapegoat because he escaped death–but to be driven into the wilderness, away from all the people, away from all the other goats was hardly better than death.

This is an Old Testament prophetic picture of the death of Christ to come, when he would make atonement for all of our sins. Before releasing the goat, the high priest would lay his hands on the goat's head and put all of the people's sins on that goat, then send it away and the nation would become blameless in God's sight!

Why did God require two goats for atonement? We know that Jesus died more than one death that day. His physical body was sacrificed, and then his soul (passing through Paradise) went into the deepest part of the earth, where disobedient souls of men go when they are unforgiven.

Jesus predicted this before it happened. He said “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” (Mat 12:40)

Jonah was swallowed by a fish (whale?) because of his disobedience. You can imagine it was dark and putrid in the belly of the fish. He couldn't eat or drink. He could barely move around. He was cut off from every other living creature. He could only pray (read his mind-blowing prayer in Jonah chapter 2)!

Christ was completely cut off from God and men to suffer alone in the heart of the earth for three days, not for his disobedience, but for OUR disobedience.

Father God accepted the sacrifice of his Son's blood for the sins of all mankind, but Jesus had to carry our sins into the pit to fulfill Micah 7:19, “You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea” and Psalm 103:12,“As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” 

He left them there and rose on the third day just like Jonah came out of the fish. Ephesians 4:9-10 describes how Jesus, once he had fully defeated sin, was taken from the lowest place in the foundation of the Earth to the highest Throne in Heaven, becoming Universal King. 

Importantly, Christ not only COVERED our sins, he removed every trace of them, ETERNALLY, for everyone who puts their trust in him!

What does Yom Kippur mean?
What do you think two goats were necessary to atone for the sins of the people?
How was Jonah being swallowed by a fish actually a prophecy about Christ?

Monday, August 14, 2023

My Personal Eschatology

What is my eschatology, my end time doctrine? Is there a imminent rapture or are we a generation or generations removed from his return?

I am about becoming the Bride.

I will embrace the preparation time. Regardless of how long it takes, I am ready today. I'll be ready tomorrow.

Here I am waiting with my lamp trimmed.

Readiness. An analogy for being being filled with the Holy Spirit. I have extra oil. No matter how long it takes I am filled and I have a ready reserve.

In terms of theology, this is what I embrace. Christ is returning for a spotless Bride. He is interceding for a unified body. His prayer:

“I pray for them all to be joined together as one even as you and I, Father, are joined together as one. I pray for them to become one with us so that the world will recognize that you sent me. For the very glory you have given to me I have given them so that they will be joined together as one and experience the same unity that we enjoy.” (Jhn 17:21-22, TPT)

This is the adoption of redeemed humanity into the Godhead. Go back and read those two verses again.

This mitigates every other theory, every end-time doctrine. I don't dismiss any scriptural speculation, but I hold it at arm's length for examination. It interests me but it does not possess me. 

Only my preparation for the Bridegrrom possesses me.

Like a deer by the waterbrook I pant for his presence. 

Like a loyal canine waiting at the door. 

I am not a dog but I have that kind of loyalty for my master, that kind of appreciation for his boarding and feeding of me.

He is the Shepherd of the sheep and one of his flock am I. I am the one that he sought, who had strayed, who was in peril, who is carried back.

The memory of his wrestling with the wild beast of the field on my behalf is vivid. I am held against his beating heart and his lungs heaving, fresh from the battle. So I am twice loyal. 

My theology is personal. Today, and tomorrow, I know his voice and I follow him.