Friday, April 1, 2022

Don't Forget To Remember Today

I spend enough time in the Lord's presence every day to remind myself of who I am in Christ, how much I am loved by God, and what I can do through his power. I also recount his mighty works towards humanity and specifically in my own life. Then I am ready to face the day.

Forgetting those things seems to be all too easy--so remembering these things must be intentional. There is some work involved.

Sometimes, conversely, our failures and shortcomings seem to loom in front of us as obstacles. But we can choose to dismiss these thoughts. 

Paul says, "..I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on..."
Philippians 3:13‭-‬14 NLT. 

His past way of life, religious jihadism, could have weighed him down with regret but he chose to dismiss any memories of that old man who died on the road to Damascus. And keep moving upward.

Remembering who we are in Christ must be a daily intentional act. And for some of us, forgetting must be a daily practice. 

It surely is worth the effort, and with rigorous training, it becomes more natural to think of yourself as a supernatural being who is wearing a mantle of authority, who is commissioned by the God man Jesus to go and BE JESUS (that is, Jesus himself living big in you and living through you) to your family, to your coworkers, to your cohorts.