😖“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?Jeremiah 17:9
So many competing voices! Which voices to pay attention and which to tune out?🎎🃏🎶🎙️📢💱🔬
What makes it less complicated is to realize that there are really only TWO voices among the frey. The TRUTH and the LIE. 🎭
(If you ask me where I was yesterday morning I could make up twenty stories 🤥or tell the TRUTH😇.)
Now it is much simpler. Ask “How do I discern TRUTH?”🙌🏻
This becomes even easier if you can answer affirmatively, “I 💖TRUTH. I am seeking TRUTH.”👂
It helps to realize you have a champion in your corner, Holy Spirit!👆 He is God’s agent to reveal TRUTH to the heart and mind of the SEEKER. 👀
Invite God’s Holy Spirit 🌬️ to reveal TRUTH. Let Him choose which voices you should listen to. He will not brainwash you, He will (re-) EDUCATE you properly.🦉
You don't need me or anyone else to tell you what to think. If you 💖 and seek TRUTH, the voice of TRUTH will resound amidst the other voices and anchor your heart even when chaos or confusion SEEMS to be reigning.
Note: Renewing your mind will happen more quickly and efficiently if you position yourself in front of an open Bible. 📕
✴️You will soon be free🤸🎉🤸from the influence of legalistic (religious and political) “educated” institutional experts🃏, bought-off slanted news sources🗞️, and friends who surround themselves with pedigreed elitist opinionated know-nothings!🗿🗿🗿🗿wms
🤔Then you will know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set you free.’ John 8:32
⚖️For we cannot do anything against the TRUTH, but only for the TRUTH. 2 Corinthians 13:8
🙄Buy the TRUTH and do not sell it – wisdom, instruction and insight as well. Prov. 23:23
✡️... who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the TRUTH. 1 Tim. 2:4
😥They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 2 Timothy 4:4